Building Construction
Urban creativity
Colleges, university faculties and schools, libraries, theatres and auditoriums, hospitals and health centres, sports stadiums, airport terminals and, of course, apartment blocks, remain a constant in the long journey – 30 years now – for COPASA. This journey has also developed both in Spain and America, with developments projects in Mexico, Chile, Brazil and Peru.
Constructing underground car parks, usually on a concession basis, likewise entails a strong and certainly specialised business model, starting from the feasibility and demand studies, the project, the financial model, infrastructure construction and its financing and operation.
This year, 2015, has been concluded outstanding works such as the new La Portada Stadium, in La Serena, Chile, the Ourense courts and Jaen Hospital in Peru.
[contador tit1=”<span class=”counter”>17,372.43</span> m<sup>2</sup>”
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